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preferences_applications_downloader [2013/01/25 17:18] external edit
preferences_applications_downloader [2013/11/26 07:42] (current)
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 ====== Downloader ====== ====== Downloader ======
-Dowloader is an application based on MLDonkey. MLDonkey is an open source, multi-protocol,​ peer-to-peer file sharing application that runs as a back-end server application ​on many platformsFeatures of MLdonkey ​core:+Dowloader is an application based on MLDonkey. MLDonkey is an open source, multi-protocol,​ peer-to-peer file sharing application that runs as a back-end server application. MLdonkey ​is a Peer to peer (p2p) program that supports the following network protocols, either partially or completely:
-  ​* Peer to peer (p2p) program that supports the following network protocols, either partially or completely:​ +  * eDonkey network ​with Overnet ​and Kad Network
-  ​* eDonkey network +
-  * Overnet+
   * BitTorrent   * BitTorrent
-  * Kad Network +  * DirectConnect 
-  * Direct Connect +  * FileTP (HTTPFTP)
-  * HTTP/FTP+
 {{:​downloader.jpg?​nolink|}} {{:​downloader.jpg?​nolink|}}


AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, etc.

ePub format