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applications_my_cloud [2013/11/25 07:05]
applications_my_cloud [2014/05/12 07:01] (current)
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 ^ Button ^ Function ^ Description ^ ^ Button ^ Function ^ Description ^
 | {{explorer_back.png?​nolink}} | **Back** | Go back to previous folder. | | {{explorer_back.png?​nolink}} | **Back** | Go back to previous folder. |
-| {{explorer_refresh.png?​nolink}} | **Refresh** | Refresh the content ​windows. |+| {{explorer_refresh.png?​nolink}} | **Refresh** | Refresh the content ​window. |
 | {{explorer_open.png?​nolink}} | **Open** | Open the selected file or folder (you can also double-click a file or folder to open it). If it's a folder, it will open it and display the content of that folder. If it's an image, it will open it in the image viewer. If it's a media file, it will open it in the media player. If the file format is unsupported by the built-in applications,​ it will prompt you to download the file to your computer instead. | | {{explorer_open.png?​nolink}} | **Open** | Open the selected file or folder (you can also double-click a file or folder to open it). If it's a folder, it will open it and display the content of that folder. If it's an image, it will open it in the image viewer. If it's a media file, it will open it in the media player. If the file format is unsupported by the built-in applications,​ it will prompt you to download the file to your computer instead. |
 | {{explorer_upload.png?​nolink}} | **Upload** | Upload files from your computer and store them on the network drive. If this is the first time, select one of the supported upload methods. Option 1 is for older browsers that do not support HTML5 yet. You can only upload one file at the time. Option 2 is only for browser that already have Google Gears installed. Google Gears is no longer available for download. Option 3 is the recommended method for new browsers, letting you drag and drop multiple files onto the upload window. | | {{explorer_upload.png?​nolink}} | **Upload** | Upload files from your computer and store them on the network drive. If this is the first time, select one of the supported upload methods. Option 1 is for older browsers that do not support HTML5 yet. You can only upload one file at the time. Option 2 is only for browser that already have Google Gears installed. Google Gears is no longer available for download. Option 3 is the recommended method for new browsers, letting you drag and drop multiple files onto the upload window. |
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 The thumbnails for new files are created either when you first access the folder or when the system starts up (e.g. after a reboot). If you leave the system running for a long time, it also checks every 24 hours to see if there are any new files that still need to be processed. ​ The thumbnails for new files are created either when you first access the folder or when the system starts up (e.g. after a reboot). If you leave the system running for a long time, it also checks every 24 hours to see if there are any new files that still need to be processed. ​
-If you have only just uploaded the files and immediately access the folder in the web interface, all file icons will be white. Wait for a few minutes and then click **Refresh** to see the thumbnails. Depending on the amount of files, creating thumbnails may take a while.+<​note>​If you have only just uploaded the files and immediately access the folder in the web interface, all file icons will be white. Wait for a few minutes and then click **Refresh** to see the thumbnails. Depending on the amount of files, creating thumbnails may take a while.</​note>​
 ^ Icon ^ File Extension ^ Description ^ ^ Icon ^ File Extension ^ Description ^


AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
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