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fm_smb_mac [2013/01/31 10:00] external edit
fm_smb_mac [2013/06/26 13:28] (current)
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   - For the workgroup name, make sure the network drive belongs to the same workgroup as your computer. In most cases, you can set this to **WORKGROUP**.   - For the workgroup name, make sure the network drive belongs to the same workgroup as your computer. In most cases, you can set this to **WORKGROUP**.
 +===== Shared Devices in Finder =====
 +  - Open the finder and select the network drive from the list of shared devices.\\ {{:​fm-smb-mac06a.jpg?​nolink|}}
 +  - Click **Connect As...**.\\ {{:​fm-smb-mac06b.jpg?​nolink|}}
 +  - Select **Registered User**, enter the login credentials of your user account on the network drive (e.g. admin/​admin) and click **Connect**.\\ {{:​fm-smb-mac07a.png?​nolink|}}
 +  - You can now access the files on your network drive. When no longer needed, click on **Disconnect** to disconnect the drive.\\ {{:​fm-smb-mac08.jpg?​nolink|}}
 ===== Connect to Server ===== ===== Connect to Server =====


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