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mycloud_duo [2014/12/23 17:39]
mycloud_duo [2015/03/25 14:03] (current)
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 | **Internal hard drive(s)** | <​WRAP>​ | **Internal hard drive(s)** | <​WRAP>​
   * 3.5" SATA-I, SATA-II or SATA-III hard drives   * 3.5" SATA-I, SATA-II or SATA-III hard drives
-  * Capacity 80GB - 3TB (supports large volumes in excess of 2TB)+  * Capacity 80GB - 6TB per HDD (supports large volumes in excess of 2TB)
   * XFS file system   * XFS file system
 </​WRAP>​ | </​WRAP>​ |


AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, etc.

ePub format