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system_information_firmware [2019/08/30 07:09]
system_information_firmware [2022/12/12 06:42] (current)
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 The firmware for your network drive can be updated automatically or manually. Under normal circumstances,​ we recommend using the "Auto Update"​ function. You only need to use the "​Manual Update"​ when prompted by our tech support staff to upload a specific file. The firmware for your network drive can be updated automatically or manually. Under normal circumstances,​ we recommend using the "Auto Update"​ function. You only need to use the "​Manual Update"​ when prompted by our tech support staff to upload a specific file.
-<note warning>​**Auto Update has been discontinued as of August 31, 2019.** If your device is not already using the latest firmware version as seen in the [[software_changelog|Change Log]] and you would like to update your system, please [[https://www.akitio.com/​support/​help-desk|contact Tech Support]] at Akitio.</​note>​+<note warning>​**Auto Update has been discontinued as of August 31, 2019.** If your device is not already using the latest firmware version as seen in the [[software_changelog|Change Log]] and you would like to update your system, please [[https://​akitio.com/​support/​service|contact Tech Support]] at Akitio.</​note>​
 <note important>​Please note that the web user interface is not accessible during the firmware update. If you are not able to login, the system might be in the process of updating the firmware. If that is the case, please wait a few minutes and then try again.</​note> ​ <note important>​Please note that the web user interface is not accessible during the firmware update. If you are not able to login, the system might be in the process of updating the firmware. If that is the case, please wait a few minutes and then try again.</​note> ​


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