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zh-tw:mycloud_mini [2013/06/18 01:48]
Coco 建立
zh-tw:mycloud_mini [2014/07/22 06:07] (current)
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   * 支援高度 9.5mm - 14.8mm   * 支援高度 9.5mm - 14.8mm
   * 支援容量 20GB - 2TB   * 支援容量 20GB - 2TB
-  * XFS 預設檔案格式+  * XFS 預設硬碟格式
 </​WRAP>​ | </​WRAP>​ |
 | **前方面板** | <​WRAP>​  | **前方面板** | <​WRAP>​
Line 23: Line 23:
 | **後方面板** | <​WRAP>​  | **後方面板** | <​WRAP>​
   * 1 x 電源座   * 1 x 電源座
-  * 1 x RJ45 網路接頭 ​(10/​100/​1000)+  * 1 x RJ45 網路接頭 ​[橘燈-網路連接(未接網路線時恆亮);​綠燈-讀寫動作]
   * 2 x USB 2.0 主機端連接埠   * 2 x USB 2.0 主機端連接埠
   * 1 x eSATA 主機端連接埠   * 1 x eSATA 主機端連接埠
-  * 1 x 重置按+  * 1 x 重置按
   * 1 x 電源按鈕   * 1 x 電源按鈕
 </​WRAP>​ | </​WRAP>​ |
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 \\  \\ 
-===== 立面 =====+===== 立面 =====
 {{ :​hardware-mycloud-mini-rear.png?​nolink|}} {{ :​hardware-mycloud-mini-rear.png?​nolink|}}
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 | **eSATA** | eSATA 主機端連接埠 | | **eSATA** | eSATA 主機端連接埠 |
 | **10/​100/​10000** | Gigabit 網路連接埠 | | **10/​100/​10000** | Gigabit 網路連接埠 |
-| **Reset** | 重置按紐 |+| **Reset** | 重置按鈕 |
 | {{:​icon-mycloud-lock.png?​nolink|}} | 安全鎖槽 | | {{:​icon-mycloud-lock.png?​nolink|}} | 安全鎖槽 |
-==== Power ON/OFF Procedure ​==== +==== 電源開/關 ==== 
-Connect the power supply to your device first and only then plug it into the wall outlet. The system starts up automatically as soon as you plug in the power supply. It takes about 1-2 minutes for the device to go online but the blue system LED will indicate when the system is ready.+當您接上電源時,裝置會直接開啟,這樣的設計是為了當電源突然中斷後再恢復時,可以自動啟動您的裝置,不用再按電源按鈕。
-To safely turn off the device, press and hold the power button for about 4 seconds until the red LED starts flashing. The system will then shut down all services and about 20 seconds later, it will power down.+系統啟動到完成,所需要的時間約在1~2分鐘左右,您可以依照前方的系統指示燈來判斷,啟動時燈號會閃爍,完成後燈號則是保持恆亮狀態。
-If for some reason the system is unresponsive,​ press and hold the power button for seconds to forcefully shut down the system and cut off the power.+如果您要關閉裝置,您可以按住「電源按紐」約4秒,直到前方燈號開始閃爍再放開,再經過20秒左右,裝置將會關閉電源。 
-<​note>​If the device is not in use for long periods of time, we recommend that you turn off the device and remove the power supply from the wall socket.</​note>​+<​note>​如果長時間不使用裝置,建議您將電源從插座上拔除。</​note>​
-===== HDD Installation ​===== +===== 安裝硬碟 ​===== 
-Remove the screws on the bottom of the case and lift up the top of the enclosure. Install the hard drive in the HDD chassis and fasten the screws on the side to hold it in place.+卸下底部四顆螺絲,將上蓋向上取出,硬碟放置再支架上,讓後再向內推入,鎖上硬碟固定螺絲。
 {{:​hdd-installation-mycloud-mini-01.png?​nolink|}} {{:​hdd-installation-mycloud-mini-01.png?​nolink|}}
-Replace the top enclosure. Fasten the screws on the bottom of the case, place the rubber feet over the screws and stick them on the casing to cover the screws.+將上蓋向下與底座接合,鎖上底座的四顆螺絲,貼上腳墊即完成。
 {{:​hdd-installation-mycloud-mini-02.png?​nolink|}} {{:​hdd-installation-mycloud-mini-02.png?​nolink|}}


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