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zh-tw:setup_guide [2013/06/18 09:54]
zh-tw:setup_guide [2013/06/19 09:05]
Coco [步驟 6 - 分享檔案]
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   - 點擊「**開始**」進行硬碟安裝動作。\\ {{:​zh-tw:​disk_auto.jpg?​nolink|}}   - 點擊「**開始**」進行硬碟安裝動作。\\ {{:​zh-tw:​disk_auto.jpg?​nolink|}}
-<note tip>​自動安裝模式僅支援使用內建的硬碟。如過您是使用 USB 裝置 ​If you want to use an external USB drive as your system drive, you need to use the **Expert** mode and manually create the partitions. See our FAQ for more detailed instructions about **[[howto#how_to_setup_an_external_usb_drive_as_system_drive|how to setup an external ​USB drive as the main drive]]**.</​note>​ +<note tip>​自動安裝模式僅支援使用內建的硬碟。如過您是使用 USB 裝置,想要進行磁碟管理動作,請您選擇「專家模式」來建立您想要的磁碟格式。**[[zh-tw:​applications_disk_manager#usb_磁碟_外部磁碟|應用程式->​磁碟管理->​USB 磁碟(外部磁碟)]]**.</​note>​
- +
-<note important>​The MyCloud requires one drive to be setup as its system drive, preferably an internal drive and not an external USB drive. The file system that is used for that drive is XFS, so if you remove the system drive from the MyCloud, you need another system (e.g. Linux) that is able to recognize and access that format if you would like to extract the data from the drive without the MyCloud.</​note>​+
 +<note important>​私有雲系列產品都需要掛載磁碟才能進行存取動作,建議直接安裝硬碟的方式進行使用,而不是透過 USB 外掛磁碟的方式,因為某些內建程式,需要將資料存放在直接安裝的硬碟內才能使用。
 +預設的磁碟格式為 XFS ,這是一個 Linux 系統所支援的格式,如果您想直接讀取該格式的內容,請使用 Linux 系統或是可以辨識 XFS 格式的檔案工具。</​note>​
 ===== 步驟 4 - 上傳檔案 ===== ===== 步驟 4 - 上傳檔案 =====
-Once the system drive has been setup, you can start uploading your digital media files to the network drive. The **HOME** directory with its predefined folders for documents, music, photos and videos is for your private files. The **PUBLIC** directory is for files that are shared among the users that have access to this device (by default, this is only the administrator).+當系統掛載在系統上時,就可以開始進行檔案的上傳動作,您可以透過「檔案總管」建立新的目錄,或是上傳檔案到預設的目錄之中。
-  - On the desktop, click on **MyCloud** to open the file explorer window. +**Home**:是系統預設主要磁碟掛載位置。\\ ​  
-  - Depending on the files types you want to upload, select one of the predefined folders (e.g. Documents, Music, Photos, Videos). +**下載**:是開啟下載功能後,下載檔案存放的位置。\\  
-  - In the menu bar, click **Upload**.\\ {{:​setup-guide-upload-01.jpg?​nolink|}} +**PUBLIC**:是共用檔案的存放區。\\  
-  - Select one of the available upload methods. If in doubt, select the traditional form upload. This will work on most browsers but you will have to upload the files one at the time. Instead, if you are running one of the more recent browsers, select ​**Upload by HTML5**, which allows you to drag and drop multiple files directly into the upload window.\\ {{:​setup-guide-upload-02.jpg?​nolink|}} +**裝置**:會顯示所有掛載到「私有雲」上的磁碟。\\ ​
-  - Upload your media files.+
-<note tip>​Uploading files via web interface is only one of many different ways you can upload your files. On the home network, the easiest and fastest method is to mount the network drive via SMB. See **[[fm_smb_pc|File Management > Samba for PC users]]** and **[[fm_smb_mac|File Management > Samba for Mac users]]**. For mobile devices, download and install the free MyCloud App, which is available for **[[app_ios_mycloud|iOS]]** and **[[app_android_mycloud|Android]]**.</​note>​+  - 透過瀏覽器登入「私有雲」後,在桌面點選開啟**「檔案總管」**。 
 +  - 新建目錄或是選擇要上傳的目錄。 
 +  - 在選單列中,選擇 ​**上傳** 。\\ {{zh-tw:​tw_mycloud_upload.jpg?nolink|}} 
 +  - 選擇您可以上傳的方式,建議您使用 ​**HTML5,支援拖曳上傳**,這一個上傳方式可以直接拖曳多個檔案,或是目錄。\\ {{zh-tw:​tw_setup-guide-upload-02.jpg?​nolink|}} 
 +  - 上傳您的檔案,完成。
-<note tip>To read more about the available methods that you can use to manage your files, see **[[fm_overview|File Management > Overview]]**.</​note>​+<note tip>透過瀏覽器上傳只是其中一種選擇,您也可以使用「**連線網路磁碟機**」的方式,或是透過 FTP 軟體,詳細說明請看 **[[zh-tw:​file_access_pc|網路服務]]**;使用行動裝置時還可以透過我們提供的免費 App 上傳檔案,詳細說明請看 ​**[[zh-tw:​mobile_devices|使用行動裝置]]**</​note>​
 +<note tip>​更多的傳輸內容,請看 **[[zh-tw:​fm_overview|檔案管理]]**.</​note>​
 ===== 步驟 5 - 瀏覽檔案 ===== ===== 步驟 5 - 瀏覽檔案 =====
-Once you have uploaded your digital media files, you can setup the media server and the music server to stream your music and videos ​on the home network. ​+一旦你已經上傳您的影音檔案在私有雲中,你就可以設定「媒體伺服器」或是「iTunes 音樂伺服器」,透過家庭網絡(區域網路)直接播放觀看私有雲中的音樂和影音檔案。 
 +==== UPnP-AV 媒體伺服器 ==== 
 +媒體伺服器功能可以與您家中的網路媒體播放器串接使用。 (例如:PS3、Xbox360、Windows Media Player、等等...) 只要有相容 DLNA 的媒體播放器,就可以直接連線到私有雲中,播放私有雲中影音檔案,您可以到 [[http://​www.dlna.org/​consumer-home/​look-for-dlna/​product-search|Product Search ​on the official DLNA website]] 網站上查看您的播放裝置是否已符合 DLNA 的認證。
-==== UPnP-AV Media Server ==== +  ​在工具列中點選「**系統設置**」。 
-The media server streams your files to other UPnP-AV and DLNA compliant clients ​(e.g. PS3, Xbox360, Windows Media Player, etc.). To find DLNA compliant media devices that can play your media files on the network drive, look for the "DLNA Certified"​ logo or use the [[http://​www.dlna.org/​consumer-home/​look-for-dlna/​product-search|Product Search on the official DLNA website]].+  選擇「**媒體伺服器**」。 
 +  - 確認啓用媒體伺服器 ​(服務運作正常)。 
 +  ​您可以點選「**加入**」來修改您要分享的影音目錄位置,這個目錄會在家中的媒體播放器透過區域網路直接連線,點選目錄內的檔案即可直接播放。 
 +  ​點選「**套用**」儲存設定。
-  - In the toolbar, click on **Preferences**. +{{zh-tw:tw_dlna_server.JPG?nolink|}}
-  - Select **Media Server**. +
-  - Make sure the service is enabled and running. +
-  - Click **Add** to select the folder(s) where your media files are stored. If needed, you can add multiple folders. The media server will scan for all the compatible media files in those directories and then stream them to the other UPnP-AV compliant devices on your home network. +
-  - Click **Apply** to save the settings. +
- +
-{{:media-server.jpg?nolink|}} +
- +
-<note tip>For more information,​ see **[[services_media_server|Preferences > Media Server]]** and **[[fm_media_server|File Management > Media Server]]**.</​note>​+
 +<note tip>​更詳細的訊息請看 **[[zh-tw:​system_preferences#​媒體伺服器|系統設置 >​媒體伺服器]]** and **[[zh-tw:​fm_media_server|File Management > Media Server]]**.</​note>​
 ==== iTunes 音樂服務 ==== ==== iTunes 音樂服務 ====
-The iTunes ​music server streams music files that are located on the network drive to iTunes ​users on the home network. Simply install iTunes on your PC or Mac and use it to playback the music files on your network drive.+iTunes音樂服務功能開啟後,您可以透過電腦上的iTunes播放器,連線到私有雲,播放私有雲中的音樂檔案。
-  - In the toolbar, click on **Preferences**. +  - 在工具列中點選「**系統設置**」。 
-  - Select ​**iTunes**. +  - 選擇「**iTunes**」。 
-  - Make sure the service is enabled and running. +  - 確認啟用iTunes服務 (服務運作正常)。 
-  - Click **Browse** to select the folder where your music files are stored. +  - 您可以點選「**瀏覽**」來修改您要分享的音樂目錄。 
-  - Click **Apply** to save the settings.+  - 點選「**套用**」儲存設定。
-{{:itunes.jpg?nolink|}} +{{zh-tw:tw_itunes_server.JPG?nolink|}}
- +
-<note tip>For more information,​ see **[[services_itunes|Preferences > iTunes]]** and **[[fm_itunes|File Management > iTunes]]**.</​note>​+
 +<note tip>​更詳細的訊息請看 **[[zh-tw:​system_preferences#​itunes|系統設置 > iTunes]]** and **[[zh-tw:​fm_itunes|File Management > iTunes]]**.</​note>​
 ===== 步驟 6 - 分享檔案 ===== ===== 步驟 6 - 分享檔案 =====
-There are several ways you can share files with your family and friends but before you start, it's easiest to give them a user account on the network drive. +有幾種方式可以分享私有雲上的內容給您的家人或朋友,最簡單的方式是新建一個新的帳號給您的家人或朋友使用。
- +
-  - In the toolbar, click on **Preferences**. +
-  - Select **Accounts**. +
-  - Click **New**. +
-  - Enter a username. +
-  - Enter a password and confirm it. +
-  - Click **Save** to create the new account.+
-{{:​accounts.jpg?​nolink|}}+  - 在工具列中點選「**系統設置**」。 
 +  - 選擇「**帳戶管理**」。 
 +  - 點選「**新增**」。 
 +  - 輸入用戶名稱。 
 +  - 輸入密碼後再輸入確認密碼。 
 +  - 點選「**儲存**」儲存設定。。
-<​note>​Each user gets its own **HOME** directory for private files and has access to the **PUBLIC** directory to share files among the different users.</​note>​+{{zh-tw:​tw_accounts.JPG?​nolink|}}
-<​note ​tip>For more information about user accounts, see **[[system_accounts|Preferences > Accounts]]**.</​note>​+<​note>​每一個用戶都擁有自己的 ​**HOME** 目錄,只有 **PUBLIC** 是共用的目錄。</​note>​
 +<note tip>​更詳細的訊息請看 **[[zh-tw:​system_preferences#​帳戶管理|帳戶管理 > 帳戶管理]]**。</​note>​
 ==== Public Directory ==== ==== Public Directory ====
 Files that are stored in the PUBLIC directory are accessible to all users (read & write). Simply copy a file to the PUBLIC folder and the next time another user logs in, they can view it. It doesn'​t matter if the user logs in via web interface or mounts the network drive on the home network. Files that are stored in the PUBLIC directory are accessible to all users (read & write). Simply copy a file to the PUBLIC folder and the next time another user logs in, they can view it. It doesn'​t matter if the user logs in via web interface or mounts the network drive on the home network.


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