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app_android_mycloud [2013/11/26 13:29]
app_android_mycloud [2019/06/25 02:30] (current)
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-====== ​Akitio ​MyCloud App for Android ======+====== ​AKiTiO ​MyCloud App for Android ======
 This application helps you to manage your files on the network drive. You can not only view and access your media files on the network drive but also upload the images and videos that are currently stored on your mobile device to backup a copy on the network drive. This application helps you to manage your files on the network drive. You can not only view and access your media files on the network drive but also upload the images and videos that are currently stored on your mobile device to backup a copy on the network drive.
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 {{:​app-android-mycloud-01.jpg?​nolink|}} {{:​app-android-mycloud-01.jpg?​nolink|}}
-<​note>​To download the app, go to the Google Play store at **https://​play.google.com/​store/​apps/​details?​id=com.akitio.isharing** or search ​for **akitio mycloud**.\\ \\ {{ :​qrcode-mycloud-app-android.jpg?nolink |}}</​note>​+<​note ​warning>This app has been discontinued and is no longer available ​for download.</​note>​
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AKiTiO MyCloud eManual
for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, etc.

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